Who Cares? Who Does? – In our 300th weekly post we focus on health
Some highlights from our 2024 survey of 103,000 shoppers in 36 markets
Health is a major concern for many
When asked to evaluate their own health, 56% of respondents claim to be feeling well or very well both in terms of physical and mental health – which means that 44% score average or lower on at least one of these dimensions. More than 10% respectively report that they struggle a lot or somewhat.
Older people report higher satisfaction with their mental than physical health. The opposite is true for younger people. While the actual percentage varies across countries, less than half of respondents report to proactively work towards their well-being.
Most common activities to promote health
Among behaviours to further physical health, consuming fresh food and drinking enough fluids were the most frequent activities while relatively few people eat according to a regular schedule. Among behaviours to further mental health, social interaction and getting a good night’s sleep were cited as common. People struggle, however, to exercise enough and limit their screen time.
Understand different health segments
We grouped consumers based on their actions associated with good health. The most active segment (31% of households) largely reports to also feel healthy both mentally and physically. The least active segment (35% of households) also reports the lowest levels of physical and mental well-being.
If you want to learn more about these segments, their health-related actions and concerns as well as their purchasing patterns (they do differ!) you should study our WCWD 2024 Health report, an invaluable tool to identify opportunities on how FMCG manufacturers and retailers can support a healthier lifestyle.