Last week’s Pick of the Week showed the huge importance of the most environmentally aware Eco-Actives segment.
The views of this group on sustainability are all encompassing and it is important to recognise this in brand communication and action.
Eco-Actives care about and act on all environmental issues
It is important to recognise that Eco-Actives look at everything they can do to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. This means that brands can’t be sustainable on one attribute and not in others.
Eco-Actives make choices of product that reflect their attitudes
The attitudes of Eco-Actives translate into related product purchasing in a wide variety of settings and attributes – demonstrating their overall commitment and knowledge on the subject.
Eco-Actives believe they can make a difference and act accordingly
Scepticism around marketing messages; changed choices where they believe harm is done; but reward where justified. All of these feature in the way Eco-Actives think and act and brands can take advantage with the right consistent messaging backed up by corresponding action.