Wellbeing and being not so well: which activities differentiate?
Some insights from our first Who Cares Who Does survey with a focus on health
Top activities amongst people reporting to feel great mentally and physically
We index the extent to which respondents who report feeling well both mentally and physically (score of 4 or 5 on both dimensions) engage in a set of activities (out of 12, see footnote) compared to all respondents. The 5 activities where they overindex most encompass fitness as well as taking care of one’s mental health. For example, they overindex strongly in terms of limiting screen time, the activity which ranks last in terms of overall adoption (29%).
Top activities amongst people reporting to not feel great mentally nor physically
We also index the extent to which respondents who report feeling not so well both mentally and physically (score of 1,2,3 on both dimensions) engage in a set of activities. The 5 activities where they underindex least (they engage less than the average in all activities) are more common activities overall and focus on avoidance and prevention (e.g. reducing alcohol and smoking or monitoring one’s health).
Biggest discriminators
Finally, we identify the activities where the group reporting to feel well differs most from the group reporting to feel not so well. The former group is more active in all behaviors, but the most discriminating ones in relative terms are exercise-related and spending time with people rather than screens. If you want to understand the main concerns of your brand buyers or shoppers in terms of health please get in touch.