Webex – 12th June 2019
New product success in the consumer packaged goods industry: A shopper marketing approach
Wednesday 12.06.2019 at 13:00 CET (12:00 GMT)
Duration 60 minutes
Marketing activities that influence shoppers along the various stages of their path-to-purchaseare gaining attention from both manufacturers and retailers. Using a dataset with detailed informationon 105 new products (NPs) launched in the U.K. market by 44 leading brands and soldacross 13 major retail banners, we provide strong support for the prominent role of bothupper- and lower-funnel marketing actions that influence consumers before (upper) or during(lower) their shopping trip. We show which of these shopper-marketing instruments have thelargest effect on NP performance at a retailer, and whether and how their effect is moderatedby the retailer’s store context.
Professor Barbara Deleersnyder, Tilburg University